The Hesed Association

Exploring God’s Creation, His Holy Word, and seeking their relevance and application for our lives, the church, and the world today.

Learn, Thrive, & Live

Hesed Publications – Words of Truth

Letters Of Life

A comprehensive introductory guide to the Hebrew Alphabet. Learn the basics and discover the profound meaning behind each letter.


This booklet will show in brief form the essential details of God’s plan and purpose in creating the nation of Israel, and sustaining it as a people for the subsequent 3,800 years until the present day.

The Deceitful Heart

Our vulnerability to deception is a constant theme of the Bible. This booklet shows just how we can be betrayed by our feelings and desires.


More About Us

We are the Hesed Association. A diverse group from all walks of life who meet to explore and marvel at God’s Creation and His Holy Word. No formal membership or fee required. New papers are issued, and people invited to meet every few months.

Opening up a fresh perspective, changing the way we view God and live our lives.



Hidden dimensions, one accessible Truth

We examine the multiple hidden dimensions to unlock a new freedom in living for Christ.


What People Are Saying

My knowledge of and confidence in key words contained in the first books of the Bible has increased significantly. Fellowship within the group has also been a great encouragement to me…

Ian W.

A unique gathering of differing viewpoints and walks of life all united in one purpose; to deepen their relationship with Christ to grow and edify one other…

Victor R.


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